Monday, January 31, 2011

{Wanted: Unicorn}

Today at Target, Olivia informed me she wants two pets and challenged me to guess which two. Thinking she of course meant a kitten and a puppy, I decided to give her outrageous guesses, "Ummm...a hippopotamus and a walrus....a giraffe and a penguin....a lion and a orangoutang."  After a few of my silly guesses, she tired of me and insisted she just tell me the two pets.

"A Kitten and a Unicorn!" She exclaimed.

"OH! A kitten and a unicorn huh? Where do you even buy a unicorn?" I asked, because I really wanted to know.

Olivia looked at me like I had just asked the stupidest question on the planet, rolled her eyes and responded in her all-too-familiar exasperated voice, "JEEESUUUUS!"

Jesus. I should have known.

Update: While telling this to Julie, we were informed by James that the scriptures mention unicorns 8 times. A quick search on indeed pulled up several references, including this one from Psalm 92:10 "But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil."

So maybe Jesus is the one I should see about a unicorn after all.