Sunday, August 30, 2009

When You Wish Upon A Star

We tried to make the most of each and every second we had at the beach. Last night, I took Olivia down to the beach to take some last minute pictures and when we returned, Phil took Will for one last beach hurrah as well. They watched the waves, the lighthouse and decided to watch the stars come out from atop the lifeguard's tower.

When the first star appeared, Phil told Will that he could make a wish. "I wish we could stay at the beach forever," he said seriously. (Me too, buddy.) Then another star appeared and Will told Daddy it was his turn to make a wish. "Will, I wish that we will always be best buddies." Will looked at him and answered mater-of-factly, "Daddy, that's a wish that's going to come true."

Friday, August 28, 2009

From the Beach

Today, as we were spending another glorious day on the beach, Will made (another) new friend. (He makes several each trip we make to the beach and they include people of all ages and all shapes & sizes.) This one was a woman in her sixties, who was walking her little dog close to the surf. Will struck up a conversation with her and we marveled from our beach chairs at his ability to talk to and make quick friends with anyone.

Later, the same woman walked by us and, glancing at both Will and Olivia said, "They are just so cute!" She moved a little closer and continued, "Earlier, he was telling me that the sky is the ocean upside down and that the sky is the doorway to Outer Space. He is just so cute, so precocious."

We couldn't agree more. We are so lucky to know you, Will and love hearing your perceptive observations about the world around you.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Resurrection Takes FOREVER!

Awhile ago Will learned about Jesus being resurrected from the dead after just 3 days. Recently he asked us how many days we (our family) would be dead before we were resurrected and we tried to explain to him that we just didn't know but it would likely be much longer than three days.

Today as we were driving home from going to breakfast and visiting friends Will asked, "Dad, is Grandma Albrechtsen still dead?"
"Yes, she is still dead."
"Man! It's taking forever! [for her to be resurrected]"

Friday, August 14, 2009

Little Man

While our babysitter Kathryn was bathing the kids last night, Will informed her, "I'm a grown up. Well, not a big grown up...I'm a little grown up."

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hunger Pains

This morning:

"Mom, I am so hungry!" said Will. "I'm so hungry my stomach is making gurgling noises. It's like a volcano in my tummy!"

"Yeah, I'm super hungry too!" chimed Olivia. "My tummy is hurting for food."

"I'm hungry for death!" continued Will.

"You're hungry for death?" I asked dumfounded and then realization hit me. "Oh! You're hungry TO death? Like you're starving to death?"

"Yeah." He points to the top of his hand, "see Mom: this is my food temperature and it's getting really hungry!"

I'm not sure where they come up with this stuff, but they certainly keep me entertained! By the way, I'm making cinnamon rolls for breakfast, with a starter course of yogurt. It's the least I can do for their hungry tummies.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Broken Rules

The number one rule in our house (born of necessity) is "Do not make Olivia scream." It's really a rule for Will. I don't know why big brothers insist on tormenting their little sisters until they scream (and drive Mommy crazy) -but apparently, it's encoded in their DNA and Will is no exception.

Yesterday, I was trying to get Olivia ready for bed and she was upset that I wouldn't let her take her new Princess CD player to bed with her. She pouted, argued, etc and then looked me dead in the eye and said, "Mommy! You are making me sad and it's a rule that you don't make Olivia sad!"