Recently, Will & Olivia's school held a fundraiser to raise money for a new playground. The fundraiser was called "Pop Pop Read A lot Challenge". The children earned one kernel of popcorn for each minute they read at home. At the end of the fundraiser, the kids had a Popcorn party with the kernels they earned.
I heard the following story from a few different people, including our Principal.
Apparently, Will was hanging out with his friends and classmates during the party when he turned around and saw our Principal, Linda Creighton. His face lit up and he said excitedly, "I was just saying that it's not a party unless Mrs. Creighton is here and then I turned around and here you are!"
She was so tickled by this and told several other parents throughout the party. I love that we have a Principal who gets to know our kids so well that they miss her when she isn't there!
(And she is truly amazing. She not only knows the names of all the kids, but she knows who their parents are and who their siblings are!!)