Tuesday, September 8, 2009

9 letter word: To make due with materials at hand

While we were at Pottery Barn Kids picking up a few things today, Will found a table-top foosball game to play with, but it was missing the ball. Will informed Anne, one of the managers, that the game he wanted to play was missing an important piece.

"Oh, we put the ball away so that it wouldn't get lost or thrown around the store" Anne explained.
"Well, couldn't we just improvise?" Will implored. "Maybe I could wad up a piece of paper and use that as a ball!"

Both Anne & I were stunned to hear improvise come out of his mouth. Sure enough, his idea worked like a gem. Will informed us that he scored 10 points & both Anne and I marveled at hid brilliance.

Update: Phil was equally impressed that Will had pulled out improvise, so the next morning, he asked Will what improvise means. "It means when you don't have exactly what you need, you find something else that will work."

See - brilliant.